CeAS Events

Giornate per l’Europa (European Days)

To celebrate Europe Day (9 May), a series of meetings-conferences are held annually, regularly in May, to debate political and institutional issues concerning the Union, in order to promote a more active and responsible culture of European citizenship.


Prize “Cittadinanza europea per l’Europa dei popoli e la pace nel mondo”

(European Citizenship for Europe of the peoples and peace in the world" Award).

On proposal and under the patronage of CeAS, the City of Belgioioso (Pavia, Lombardy Region) established this Prize. In the first edition, held in 2011, it has been awarded to the European Parliament and delivered to the Vice-Deputy Chairman, Hon. Gianni Pittella.
In the second edition (2012), the prize has been awarded to the Committee of the Regions of the European Union, and delivered to its President, Hon. Mercedes Bresso.



Other Events

Among the many events organized by the Centre in the form of meetings, conferences, seminars and workshops, may be mentioned, among the most recent, the followings.

China & Europe:  fostering the mutual understanding by multi-level comparisons of their cultures, societies, and economies Organized at the Università di RomaTre by CeAS on march 27-28, 2014

The “Interuniversity Forum”
This initiative, held within the frame of the CeAS internationalization activities, is aimed to strengthen relationships with universities of non-European countries. For the first time, it has been organized, with support of the Ministry of Education of Argentina and of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as part of the “Fifth National Conference on Italy-Latin America and the Caribbean,”  a general meeting to compare and discuss university education systems in the perspective of the European Higher Education Area, for the mobility of students and scholars and inter-cultural dialogue.

The “EuroMed” seminars
Organised in partnership with the Euro-Arab Institute for the Dialogue between Cultures, a first series of Seminars have been held on: The Socio-Political Dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean Region.