Short Bio
Professor Luigi MOCCIA is Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law, former full Professor of Comparative law and President of the European Centre of Excellence “Altiero Spinelli” at University “Roma Tre”, where he was Director of the Department of Political Institutions and Social Sciences and Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences, holding other academic offices. He also held chairs/courses in other universities in Italy and delivered lectures and conferences at universities abroad. He is currently senior professor of Comparative law (environmental protection) and Director of the Department of Law and Economics at “Università telematica Pegaso”. He is the founder and director of the scientific journal “La cittadinanza europea” and of the new electronic scientific journal “la cittadinanza europea online”. He is Dr. hc University Oradea. Member of scientific associations in Italy and abroad, he held and holds various positions as referee (at Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes, ANVUR, 2010-2014), and as principal coordinator/supervisor of European projects Horizon 2020 (Trivalent, 2017-2020, and Silvanus 2021-2025).
Main research interests and scientific works
Topics covered in scientific works of prof. Moccia, can be grouped into seven distinct thematic areas, namely: I. English (common) law; II. European (common) law, or the revisiting of the comparison between civil law and common law; III. European Law and European lawyer; IV. European Union legal system and European citizenship; V. Law comparison in general; VI. Chinese law; VII. Law comparison in today’s global world. Each one, of course, connected to the other by the common denominator of comparison understood as both a method and a way of understanding (studying/learning/teaching) law.
Prof. Moccia is author, co-author and editor of books and articles on a variety of topics: see
Liber Amicorum Luigi Moccia
For a history of the JM Chair activities, until the establishment of CeAS, see the reports here below:
Tra le altre iniziative, particolare rilievo assume la progettazione di una serie di attività di studio sul tema della cittadinanza europea, in collaborazione con altre sedi e istituti universitari (quali la LUISS, la LUM, l'Università di Macerata, l'Università di Roma "La Sapienza"), nonché con docenti ed esperti, nel quadro di incontri destinati alla predisposizione e pubblicazione di strumenti di diffusione delle conoscenze in materia.
In particolare nell'ambito delle attività del Master in "Cittadinanza europea e Amministrazioni pubbliche" è continuata la pubblicazione di titoli nella collana "EUROPAPERS".
Un'altra importante iniziativa di carattere editoriale per la quale è impegnata la Cattedra è quella della pubblicazione della Rivista "La Cittadinanza Europea", a cui si aggiunge la Serie Quaderni, con l'uscita gia di due numeri della Rivista (annata 2002) e di un quaderno: mentre sono in preparazione il primo numero 2003 della Rivista e un nuovo quaderno.
In relazione con la Cattedra Jean Monnet sono state assegnate tesi di Laurea sui seguenti temi:
Ciclo di Conferenze Jean Monnet:
Ciclo di Conferenze Jean Monnet:
Modules of the Jean Monnet Chair
These teaching modules are assigned to qualified experts in support to the curriculum of the Master course in European citizenship and Euro-Mediterranean Integration and as supplementary modules in the regular courses of the JM Chair. Over the years JM modules have been assigned to:
As part of the training activities promoted by the JM Chair, jointly with CeAS, are also to be counted the teaching modules held by researchers of the Institute of International Affairs (IAI) in the framework of the courses delivered within the Faculty of Political Sciences at “Roma Tre” University.
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